Is New Noctilux from germany ?? : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I just purchased the new noctilux 50mm/F1 from the local shop, the lens encraved that is canada made. From other web site descripted that the production in Canada was stopped and the production line switch back to germany since 1998.(means I brought a 3 yr old new stock item, which I am expecting the latest one instead ). Is anyone know the lens has any difference between the canada or germany made ?

million Thanks.

-- Joseph (, October 04, 2001


All current stock is/was made in Canada so there is no German production to compare it to. Many of Leica's most famous lenses were designed and made in Canada so I would not worry about it. If you are really concerned you can pass that piece of junk my way :-). It is only recently that most production has been marked as made in Germany. I suspect that Leica Solms stil sources "optical subassemblies" from Canada. The R8 was a good example the accuracy of "Made in Germany".


-- John Collier (, October 04, 2001.

That's why the R8 is now engraved "Made in Portugal".

-- Lucien (, October 05, 2001.

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