Clairification of Kodak Ektar lenses for : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
Could someone out there please clarify which Kodak Ektar lenses will work correctly with a Tachihara 4x5 field camera . . . I've discovered that many of these lenses were made for other formats and will not provide the needed coverage area or allow for some movements. I would be using the lenses for landscape, some close-up and medium to long telephoto shots. Thank you! Mike
-- Michael Krause (, October 05, 2001 and many more, just scroll down, and click on Lens Classic
-- dg (, October 05, 2001.
Michael:One thing that needs to be understood when working in large format is the term "telephoto." Telephoto has nothing to do with the lens focal length, but rather has to do with the lens's optical configuration. Most lenses will require a bellows draw approximately equal to its focal length. But lenses of telephoto design require quite a bit less bellows draw. For example, a 300mm lens of normal design will require about 300mm of bellows draw, but my 300mm Fujinon- T telephoto lens requires only about 200mm of bellows draw.
This is an important thing to remember when working with cameras like the Tachihara that have a limited bellows draw. With lenses of normal optical configuration, 240mm to 270mm would probably be the limit for practical use. But, with lenses of telephoto design, you can work with lenses as long as 300, 360 or even 400mm.
I know that doesn't help any with your question about Ektars, but it will be helpful if you start looking for long lenses for the Tachy.
-- Ken Burns (, October 05, 2001.