Pentax 110 Auto - Flash not working : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I have a Pentax 110 Auto camera at a P100 flash. The camera will not fire the flash although the flash works fine off the camera and can be triggered byshorting across the inner and outer contacts of the screw connector.

I presume the problem is with the camera. Can anyone suggest what specifically might be wrong and how I could fix it. I have done obvious things like cleaning contacts. The camera works fine without the flash.

Grafeful for any help.

-- Bill Sooby (, October 08, 2001


Bill, Did you ever find an answer to your question? I also have a Pentax 110 with the same problem. I was told that the internal light meter might not be working, hence the shutter speed remained the same and wouldn't fire the flash. I don't know if this is the problem with your camera. I would like to know what you have found out if possible. Thanks, Chris Enges

-- Chris Enges (, January 03, 2002.

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