Cute little girl story...... : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Up in NorthEast Missouri, we had a hard frost last Saturday morning. We rent our old double-wide to some friends and the mom was up with their four year old little girl.

She woke Saturday morning and told her mom it had snowed !! She was all excited. Her mom was in the shower and told her to wait until she got out. When she dried off, there was Amy, in her coat and hat, with her snow shovel. Out the door she went.

Came back one minute later and her mom asked her why. "The snow all melted!" she cried. Frost doesn't stay around long this time of year.

But her mom said to see her excitement....... We laughed all through the morning chores on that one.

-- Rickstir (, October 09, 2001


saturday I was able to make a snow ball,,,,,, its WAY too early for this

-- stan (, October 09, 2001.

A Florida snowball usually comes in a celophane package - marshmallow, cake, covered with coconut!! LOL :o)

-- Greenthumbelina (, October 11, 2001.

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