Dallmeyer 10" 254mm f8greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I am putting together my first large format outfit and am looking for an inexpensive lens to use on my CC400. I came across a Dallmeyer 10" 254mm f8 for sale on ebay. The lens looks in decent shape and the price is low so far. It will be used for portrait and roadside landscape. Is anyone familiar with this len? What kind of performance can I expect?
-- Edward Kimball (edward.kimball@ns.sympatico.ca), October 10, 2001
I don't know about that one, but alot of Dallmeyers were telephoto's. If it is, it may not cover 4X5 with any movements. I'd ask, or else put in on the camera and bend the bellows and see if the dark circle shows up at the edges. Like I said, I don't know, but my first lens was a tele, and it caused me stress -- where this one might be fine. Dean
-- Dean Lastoria (dvlastor@sfu.ca), October 10, 2001.