Why such variation in Leica prices from store to storegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread |
When I originally purchased my Leica equipment several years ago I paid top dollar, because ..... I did not know any better. I recently purchased a new lens through the mail at a substantial discount. It was not a grey market and it was with a USA warranty. Last night, I picked up a Shutterbug magazine and thumbed through the advertisements and was amazed at the variation in Leica prices from ad to ad. I am talking about new equipment w/ USA warranties. It was not unusual to see a $500 difference or more in the price of an item. For example, from whom I purchased the recent lens was selling a 35 mm Summilux-M ASPH for about $1700, and a different prominent store was selling the same item for $2295. All new, USA warranty, return privilege, and rebate included. I personally feel that I sometimes need to pay more money at a specialty or local store -- even though I could buy the same item for less at a large discount store -- just to keep the former store in business. But when one gets to large prices differences of $500 or more, such as I saw with these Leica products, and where one with Leica products, which by their nature are expensive, why would I ever buy an item at these more exoensive stores? If I can save a lot of money for the same product, why would I not do so?
-- Stephen York (S.G.York@worldnet.att.net), October 12, 2001
Free enterprise system????
-- Steven Alexander (alexpix@worldnet.att.net), October 12, 2001.
You can buy a new Summicron 35mm for $1000 on Ebay.
-- Mitch Li (mitchli@pacbell.net), October 12, 2001.
I am afraid you are confusing grey market with Leica USA items. As an example, Don Chatterton lists the 35/1.4A for $2495 from Leica USA and only $1795 for his grey version. Delta International (grey supplier) lists their 35/1.4A for $1745.Cheers,
-- John Collier (jbcollier@powersurfr.com), October 12, 2001.
You can buy most anything new off eBay, but warranty-HA! Here's a link to one such auction. Given the look of it and how it's described would anyone here bid on it? I certainly am not, I'm curious as to the reserve price and what this person expects for this thing...
-- Dave Doyle (soilsouth@home.com), October 12, 2001.
This link will work:http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=128217 1637
-- John Collier (jbcollier@powersurfr.com), October 12, 2001.
Hey guys, thanks for the link! Looks great and now I can bid on it!;-))))
-- Jack Flesher (jbflesher@msn.com), October 12, 2001.
You need to check the item carefully. I have never seen more than a $100 difference on new USA from an authorized dealer. Many of the authorized dealers now are selling grey (unused in sealed package or special store warranty) or demos at larger discounts.
-- R. Haight (rhaigh5748@aol.com), October 12, 2001.
The above link is for an auction of an obviously used M6 w/35mm Summcron...How does that relate to questions about prices of new Leica eqpt. and warranties?
-- Douglas Kinnear (douglas.kinnear@colostate.edu), October 12, 2001.
Douglas,It does not in fact relate to the original Q, but to the post regarding purchasing Leica off eBay. To the orig Q, you might check other brands amoung the same cross section of dealers as a control. Just now looking through the Oct. issue of Shutterbug, I found little variance in Leica prices amoung the trusted dealers. The lesser dealers showed lower prices, but then we've all read on Photo.net about them....
-- Dave Doyle (soilsouth@home.com), October 12, 2001.
Stephen:After reviewing all of the other postings, no-one brought up the issue of USA warranty. Some of the companies in Shutterbug sell with Leica Passport Warranty, others sell with USA warranty which is nothing more than a grey lens with a Company warranty saying they will pay for the repairs at the repair establishment of their choice. Leica Passport Warranty is valid at any Leica authorized repair facility, where the other option is only valid at the business you purchased from.
Mark J.
-- Mark A. Johnson (logic@gci.net), October 12, 2001.
Mark,With the word on the street concerning Leica USA turnaround times and other hassles, maybe that's not a bad thing...
-- Dave Doyle (soilsouth@home.com), October 12, 2001.