Where I can Get the Eveready Case f/. Minilux (Non-Zoom)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I've been looking for this leather semi-hard eveready case for this camera for long time without success. Can anyone help?


-- Fred Lee (Leefred@cadvision.com), October 12, 2001



This is a very hard to find itm. Your best bet is to put a personal search on eBay and wait for it to show up. If ever find it though, it is well worth the time. Use it with the top half case or without, very comfortable to hold or just hang around the shoulder/neck.

Best luck, Chi

-- Chi H (chihuang@yahoo.com), October 12, 2001.

I hate to state the obvious but have you tried your Leica distributor? The part number is 18 506 and it is still listed in the current Handbook (2000). Here are some contact email addresses for Leica parts:


If you are in Canada, then try here:

Service Department


-- John Collier (jbcollier@powersurfr.com), October 12, 2001.

Check out www.classicconnection.com

-- David Killick (Dalex@inet.net.nz), October 16, 2001.


Thanks for all responses. The reason why I asked is this case is discontinued. I've tried every official channels in US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and UK and they all said "sorry"

However, I followed the first response and bought a like-new eveready case from ebay. Now I'm happy.

-- Fred Lee (leefred@cadvision.com), November 15, 2001.

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