Peace : LUSENET : Freedom! self reliance : One Thread

I was looking at some of the titles of web site matches, just a few of the 1444 listed. There's a school for peace. Studies in Peace and Conflicts. The Caucasian Institute for Peace, Peace Magazine and of course The Nobel Peace Prize, to name a few.

What do you think it would take to bring about world peace? I don't see how any of the above would do it. What do you think peace really is?

-- Cindy (S.E.IN) (, October 13, 2001


As long as there are human beings on the earth there will never be peace. Somebody always wants somebody elses' land, power,water,money,minerals or they will want everyone to believe what they believe. In the book of Matthew in the bible, Jesus says there will be wars and rumors of wars..good enough for me to get it straight from God's mouth that there will never be peace until the end of the world.

-- lesley (, October 13, 2001.

Hello Cindy, Probably, if we eliminated borders, flags and religions, then there would be no one different to fight with. Sincerely, Ernest

-- (, October 13, 2001.

There never will be peace on earth until Christ, the Prince of Peace, establishes His Kingdom.

What the U.S. and Britain are doing to root out terrorists is a proper and necessary response to the 9-11 attack. Such an attack cannot go unanswered. However, the belief that we can root out terrorism on a worldwide basis to make the world a safe place for our children to live is extremely naive in light of Scripture and is based on the theological view that the church must work to bring about God's kingdom in this present age. Only with the return of Christ will there be peace.

The peaceniks that think we should "give peace a chance" are laughable in their twisted thinking. The radical Islamic movement that is responsible for this terrorism does not want compromise or peace with the U.S. They want all Americans and all Jews dead. After that, they want all other westerners and supporters of Christianity and democracy dead. They will not be satisfied to have us out of their holy lands. They want us off the face of the earth. As long as they have breath, they will fight for that goal. Human government will NEVER achieve a peaceful end to this conflict. Get used to a different way of life in America and watch and wait for the return of Christ. Are you ready to meet Him?

-- Skip in Western WA (, October 14, 2001.

I agree with Skip that there will only be peace when the Lord returns.

I do not agree with going to war over 9-11. We cannot root out errorists around the globe and it is an excuse to be the thought police.

We are at war simply for revenge. How many Afghani eyeballs do we need to collect to be even for the American eyes that were lost? Are American eyes and teeth worth more than those of the Muslim world? If we are going to follow the Old Testament "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" shouldn't we follow ALL of the law? Aren't we condemning ouselves under the law?

-- Laura (, October 14, 2001.

Skip said it very well, there will never be peace until the Prince of Peace returns! But Laura, I cannot agree with you about attacking afghanastan. What are we supposed to do, just lay down and let them keeping attacking us? I personally think we should be sending ground troups in there and doing more than we are. If we let "them" get away with this without doing a thing, then we might as well just give up because they will take over this country. Is that what you want? Our forefathers fought hard for our freedom. We have to fight to keep it.

-- Barb (, October 14, 2001.

I agree with Bro. Skip. I hate bloodshed and war also--but-- sometimes is just cannot be avoided. This is just such a time. If we didn't fight them "over there" we will have to fight'm "over here". The next pure peace is when Jesus Christ sets up His Kingdom in the Millinium here on earth.

War, rumors of war, pestilences, earthquakes in divers places, unrest etc. etc. will all be happening when Jesus Christ comes for His own. Oh Lord Jesus--how much longer till you come with the "shout"? Even so, come Lord Jesus. old hoot. Matt.24:44

-- old hoot gibson (, October 14, 2001.

No Peace, no Jesus. Know peace, know Jesus. Agreed!!!

However, we shouldn't be bombing Afghanistan. We should have declared war on the Al Qaida instead of on "terrorism" which is impossible to win and can only bring about a complete global police state which is just what satan wants the most.

We do need to retaliate, as it's a govermental mandate basically, and justice should be done. But we lost the fight already when we decided to go after any and everyone who might be a terrorist. There is no way for muslim people to seee this other than as a war against Islam. Think about it for a bit. If you were an Iraqi and your children had been killed and starved because of the Desert Storm and our sanctions, after the US had given permission to Saddam to go ahead and invade Kuwait, wouldn't you hate us?

I still contend that the problem is brought about by our meddling in other Nations business and the CIA planting folks in position of power by operating under the premis that the enemy of our enemy is our friend, which is what we did in Afghanistan against Russia. Now Russia is our friend and the whole world is saying that the Jews are the biggest part of the problem. Prophecy coming to pass right before our eyes....and WE made the problems ourselves. We are busy making more as well with all of these alliances we are making....we are trying to buy help. If we felt truly that we needed to get rid of the perps we should simply declare war on the Al Qaida and hunt each member down individually and kill them. Let everyone know that's what we are going to do and do it. jmo.

-- Doreen (, October 15, 2001.

Barb, I am well aware that my opinion is not popular at all. I am glad you asked what we should be doing instead because that give me permission to tell you:)

Our Forefathers fought for freedom right here on our own soil and that is where we need to be fighting for freedom now. We need to clean our own house first. Fighting in Afghanistan is like pouring sand down a rat hole. Will we find freedom there? I don't think so! We are shelling out millions of dollars worth of missiles and what have we got? Nothing because there is no targets there worth the cost of our missiles! All our useless shelling and civilian targets has done is recruited a million more young boys to the cause of jihad. Bin Ladin wanted a holy war and we are giving it to him! What if we didn't take him up on his holy war? Then what??!?!? Meanwhile we are continuously attacked on our own soil and are pretty defenseless about it.

What would the correct response to 9-11 have been? It would've been to tell the rest of the world, "Yeah, we got the message" and pulled our people home from all over the world where we have our troops spread as thin as aeresol margerine. We should've brought our troops home where they belong. Then it would've been time to send all our non-citizens home except those ready to take the oath of citizenship. Expel the UN and withdraw our membership. Then we should fight for American Freedom here on American soil.

We are, indeed, in a holy war, but we as a nation are not fit to be in any kind of a war. Our politicians singing "God Bless America" for the tv cameras is NOT repentence and a nation can't win a holy war while celebrating sin.

Now aren't you sorry you asked?

-- Laura (, October 15, 2001.

Yes Laura, Please tell me why we [US goobermit} have to police the whole dam world?!?!?!....and the head cheeeeese wants our school kids to pay for their kids lunch----after we dump on them!!.....line forms right here sheeple............

-- Jim-mi (, October 15, 2001.

Someone commented that Russia is now our friend. I don't *think* so! They are playing wolf in sheeps clothing in order to undermine us. The terrorists are being USED by Russia to break us down and bring in a police state. I really think the ultimate goal is the New World Order, which is not going to be run by the Islamic nations. But they may be the excuse for it taking over the whole world.

At this point in time, I suspect it's too late to do anything about all this, even if suddenly our whole government became convinced that it was necessary and right to defend ourselves. (Fat chance.) We could, and should, immediately deport all illegal aliens, and all non- citizens. All recent imigrants, even those who've become citizens, should be checked on to be sure they have NO connections to terrorist groups. The Chinese installations in North America should be told to get out right now. And we should pull all our military home, arm the civilians, and prepare the populace for the worst. The only problem is, if we did all this, I'm almost 100% certain that, finding the game was up, Russia and China would attack quickly before they lost their window of opportunity. I've seen reports from several sources that Russia has inserted over 1500 sleeper agents into this country, mostly Muslims, and that many of these people are now in our own military and intelligence. These reports are coming independently from American sources, Israeli sources, and Russian sources. So I would say they have been well verified. And does anyone remember a few years back, Chinese cargo containers full of automatic weapons being caught coming into this country? How many have come in that didn't get caught? And did you know that China has thirteen military installations on our soil? Eighteen in North America? They are masquerading as commercial shipping centers, but remember China is a communist country and all government installations are also military. There is just too much going on, I can't even begin to tell you the half of it. You'll have to do some looking on your own, and yes, there are some crack-pot theories out there, but some that used to be thought crack-pot are looking more real every day.

We are getting close to a time when we are not going to be able to help ourselves, we are going to have to depend solely on God. Please make sure you are ready to do that! And keep looking up! He's coming!

-- Kathleen Sanderson (, October 16, 2001.

Some of those containers on the China ships are full of Chinese. It is estimated to be about a thousand a week coming in on containers. It only makes a story when a container is opened and everybody is dead.

What strikes me about Chinese illegal aliens coming in on the ships is that they are all men. There are no women and children. At least when the Mexicans run the border, they bring their families.

-- Laura (, October 16, 2001.

the cool thing is i dont care if we have world peace. we are going as plan for the work of God and his return to recieve us .however i do want to stay safe and it would be wonderful that everyone could love each other. I am not a gloomy person but i look forward to his return. when peace does come I'll be in heaven and the false peace will be for the people left behind

-- v. l. cross (, December 15, 2001.

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