110XL on Linhof Tech IV ?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Does anyone know if the Schneider 110XL will focus with any room to spare on a Linhof Tech IV with a flat lensboard ?

-- Don Hall (dhall5662@cs.com), October 14, 2001


My Schneider 120 Super Symmar HM worked perfectly on my Technika with a flat lensboard with plenty of focus track to spare. I believe that the 110 should work just as well as it will be back only 1/2 inch from where the 120 was.

-- Jim Brick (jim@brick.org), October 14, 2001.


But any lens in a 0 shutter around that focal length is better off in the 001016 recessed board.

-- Bob Salomon (bob@hpmarketingcorp.com), October 14, 2001.

I don't agree. Recessed lensboards are a royal pain. Anytime you can avoid them you are much better off. They are expensive and very fiddly, even with a 0 shutter. Unless you have very very tiny fingers and periscope eyes. Hard to see in the recess to set the shutter speed if you are in the shadows. Everything is simply cramped-up and semi-accessible.

From the voice of much experience!

-- Jim Brick (jim@brick.org), October 14, 2001.

"But any lens in a 0 shutter around that focal length is better off in the 001016 recessed board."

But, alas, the 110mm Super Symmar XL is in a #1 shutter.

-- Kerry Thalmann (largeformat@thalmann.com), October 14, 2001.

And Bob's education continues...

-- Wayne DeWitt (wdewitt@snip.net), October 14, 2001.

Don't know about the Tech IV, but no problem on Tech V.

-- Paul Schilliger (pschilliger@smile.ch), October 15, 2001.

The 90 4.5 is also in 1 shutter and it works just fine on a flat noard.

-- Bob Salomon (bob@hpmarketingcorp.com), October 15, 2001.

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