How to use Leeper Cam : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread |
I was wondering what the differences were between the two different size cam hooks. What type of crack do they ideally work for and how strong are these hooks actually? Any other recommendations? Thanks
-- David Perez (, October 15, 2001
There are Three size cam hooks. The middle size is most useful and works in cracks that fit lost arrow pins. Doesn't much matter how strong they are since they are for aid only and you don't leave em as pro unless you are desperate. (then use a screamer) The micro is scarier and fits in tiny cracks and the wide one is, obviously, for wider cracks and flakes. Cam hooks are way better than most of us expect them to be and save time big timePEace
-- Karl Baba (, October 20, 2001.
Actually, they CAN be used for pro. I'm a bit too chickenshit to use them a lot (I'll whack in a pin when I can, at least on hard aid) but I've found the things fixed and used them for pro. There was one on the last pitch of ZM last month I used - it wiggled, but I'll be b*ggered if I could get it out. Worked fine for pro.Cheers, Pete
-- Pass the Pitons Pete (, October 21, 2001.
Hey Pete, when you say they worked fine for pro, did you take a fall on a cam hook???
-- Reginald Braithwaite-Lee (, January 01, 2002.