What was the Chinatown community like betwene 1940 and 1960

greenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

What was San Francisco's chnatown lik during the 1940 50 an 60's? What was the community like

-- Kimily Louie (ditto712@aol.com), October 16, 2001


A book that might interest you:

http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cupress/html/others/cathay%20by%20the% 20bay.html

Also have a look at the historical photo collection of the san francisco public library guest&SETTING_KEY=English&servers=photos&screen=photos.html

and search for chinatown, there are a lot of photographs there.

-- Bob Verbrugge (bob_verbrugge@compuserve.com), October 17, 2001.

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