Friends Milk goat died and needs to find a new one ASP : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hello everyone,

Well, I have a good friend who`s milk goat died. Sadly.. they don`t have alot of money,,

But they are in bad need of a health milking goat. Can be a cross breed, not Registered,,,or registered. Nubin purebred or part...what ever.... Please if anyone is located in Westeren WA state,,, and know of some one breeding gentle good quality milk goats for a fair price please let me know.

Thank you.

-- Bergere (, October 16, 2001


I have some that are slated to go. Several are quite nice but not show quality. But we live in northern Idaho. We are headed for the convention in Oregon this weekend and could possibly bring it that far. Let me know, all our goats are Alpines and percentage alpine.

-- Rebekah (, October 17, 2001.

Hi Bergere, My mother passed away this summer and left me with 60 head of goats to add to my herd of 16.I have managed to prune them back to 32 all together, but I would like to see 10 or 15 more off to good homes. I have several breeds and combinations, all are reg.,rec.,or recordable. I would be willing to make the right person a deal to have them well cared for. I live in N.W. Oregon. If you might be interested,e-mail me for more info.

-- Kacy (, February 12, 2002.

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