Lens hood for Summicron 50 collapsiblegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread |
I just picked up a Summicron 50 collapsible (1954) that's in terrific shape. It came with both caps but no hood. I looked up the hood number that goes with the lens (12571/12585) but can't find one anywhere (ebay/B&H/etc). Any ideas where I may be able to pick one up or what other hood will fit this lens?Just an aside. Why is it that we constantly hear about the need to use a hood on the Leica lenses (and other makes) to prevent flare, yet my wife uses her cheap point and shoot camera regularly without ever having flare problems?
Thanks in advance...
-- David Cunningham (dcunningham@attglobal.net), October 17, 2001
David,For a sleeker alternative to the two hoods you mentioned, try the new hood designed for the new 50 Elmar. It is cylindrical and screws into the filter ring. It comes in two models--silver chrome (12549) and black (12550). I think it works much better than the IROOA (12571) and the 12585.
-- Henry Chu (heninden@yahoo.com), October 17, 2001.
DavidUsing a lens hoood is important with strong angled light, but personally I think with modern, excellent lenses a bit too much is made of it for a lot of the time. Another reason is to protect the front of the lens, which seems very valid. I use my Rokkor 40mm with only a step-up ring on the front of the lens and have never noticed any flare problems. Many front elements of lenses are recessed anyway so there is a degree of natural shade. Of course the collapsible 'cron is not one of them -- and it has a chrome surround which never helps...
My wife never uses the shade on her 28-105 EOS zoom with so far no noticeable effect on the shots - but the real issue is whether the pictures might not be better with the hood - that, of course, I cannot say. Certainly on an old lens I would want to always use a hood, but many of the modern ones I am not convinced it makes a lot of difference, except when the light is such that it is obvious that a shade is needed (if you follow me). Mind you - I don't use UV filters - if you do then the arguments for using a hood seem to me to be stronger.
-- Robin Smith (smith_robin@hotmail.com), October 17, 2001.
B&H have a couple (the 12538 is the same as the 12585 but made of plastic: http://www03.bhphotovideo.com
Also try a google.com search.
-- John Collier (jbcollier@powersurfr.com), October 17, 2001.
Try Brooklyn Camera Exchange. I just picked up a nice 12585 from Arnie.They have a web site.
-- Tony Oresteen (aoresteen@mindspring.com), October 17, 2001.