Iron your Anthrax?? : LUSENET : Freedom! self reliance : One Thread

Hiya all, I just read a story that mentioned ironing your letters with a damp cloth and hot iron. It aparently kills anthrax spores. Microwave not as effective, since it is dry. See the story on... Again... not sure if this works..but the story is out there.

-- notnow (, October 17, 2001


I really wouldn't bet my life on it!! It seems that I read somewhere that anthrax can survive at up to 300ºF. NOT that it WILL but simply might.

-- Doreen (, October 18, 2001.

Steam perhaps will breakdown the "coating" that is the spore that surrounds the bacterium inside and then the heat would kill it. That would be what the are saying here IMHO. Heat alone wouldn't touch the spore but the moisture would weaken it. That is what it has to get deep into the lung before it "wakes up" so to speak. The warmth and moisture deep in the lung allows it to "unspore" and then start reproducing.

-- diane (, October 19, 2001.

How 'bout spraying it down with bleach water like it was mouse poop? Would that work?

-- Laura (, October 19, 2001.

One of my cousins has been rather paranoid about the anthrax situation for years. He has refused to use envelopes with glue on them since the self adhesive ones came out because he says that you can take in any old sick cow to the rendering plant, and anthrax will NOT cook out when they are processing the animal into glue. I will accept his word on it, as he checks out his information well and doesn't make rash decisions. He told me I'd better quit lickin' those envelopes. Even though anthrax requires a sore to enter the system, even for inhalation anthrax, he figures that with my luck I'd get it. He's probably right....with my luck, I probably would!!!

-- Green (, October 22, 2001.

I will be the leader. I am a revolutionary. Black man, White man, China man, Hindu man. Unite behind me. The government lies. Burn them all. Burn Hollywood. Revolution now. Races do not matter in the eyes of the swine. We can all agree to hate Muslims cant we? Damn Muslims. Revolution. Molotov cocktails. I am a revolutionary. I will be the leader. The book is talking to me . It tells me I am the leader. I am a revolutionary . I will be the leader.

-- CowHeadMurder (, January 31, 2003.

I give up.

-- S (, January 31, 2003.

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