Sourdough in Breadmaker? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Has anyone every used sourdough starter in their breadmaker? I have a bread maker that has a 4 hour lets the bread rise twice...over an hour each time. Is that long enough for sourdough to do its thing?

I know how to make starter as DW makes "Amish Friendship Bread" often.

-- Jason in S. Tenn (, October 18, 2001


I've just used the boxed sourdough mixes, never tried it. I wish I had the time to, though. i have a thing of starter ready for me to make so I can do breads, but didn't want to try to make it in the bread maker, and really don't have time for the oven. Sure hope you get a good answer, though.

-- Wendy Antes (, October 18, 2001.

I have a cookbook called Bread Machine Magic and in it are the starter recipe and recipes for the bread machine.Some of the other recipes are converted to sourdough by adding 1/2 cup-1 cup of starter, as desired to recipe and decreasing the liquid by approx. half the amount of starter used. { e.g. Use 1/2 cup starter- decrease the liquid by 1/4 cup}

-- Judy Schumacher (, October 18, 2001.

Since every sourdough reference I have seen discourages storing sourdough starter or even mixing/raising the bread in reactive metals, I would think that would be the issue. My bread machine pan is aluminum so I've never made sourdough breads in it. If yours is something nonreactive as stainless steel, I don't see a problem.

-- marilyn (, October 18, 2001.

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