Get rich schems! Crooked deals and [some preachin] : LUSENET : Freedom! self reliance : One Thread

Ain't no free lunches---or is there?!!!!!

Passing out free phone cards. Work at home stuffing envelopes. Prepaid legal services. Building a "downline" that will make you rich. "This MLM is legal according to the US Postal service. Send a dollar to the four names listed, send out 1,000 letters with this same message andyour name in the #4 slot! Dont cheat".

Or -how about this'n. "Send us the names of 10 of your friends and receive a FREE keychain"!!!!! Wow!!! A free keychain!! Worth maybe a nickel!

"Free to the first 100 customers--a handy little pocket book for listing dates, phone numbers and addresses".

"Send my a check, cash or m.o. in the amount of $59.95 and I'll write you a sure fire letter to receive Gov't cash for you. This is a grant that doesn't have to be paid back"!

"All your friends will want one of these little devices after they see yours. Become a dealer and sell one to all those friends."

"God says to send me your tithe and He will bless you."

"When was the last time you had an old fashioned ice creme cone? With this little handy dandy gizmotchie you can relive those old days of the hand dipped ice creme cones you bought at the local drug store. Enclose your 19.95 plus $4.99 s+ h and you can turn back the clock 50 years!"

"All your friends will be envious of you as you enjoy the benefits of wearing the same clothing that a famous movie star wears!"

Well--suppose ya'll have received offers just like these in your mail, telephone, email and even fax. I just cant'understand why one would not want to jump at this chance of being rich and/or famous!

"Build your own security where you won't need anybody or anything"!

I suppose that some may make some money but they never tell you how many fail or how much those that "made it" paid out to "make it"!

Many precious folks are taken everyday by crooked people that care nothing about you or your family. All they want is your cash and they'll do ANYTHING to separate you from it. Many poor folks are broke or close to it and "bite" at the chance of making it big.

"A fool and his money soon parts"! Don't know who said it besides my old pappy but it's true. It makes me sick to see those stupid commercials on the "tube". I won't watch'm any longer that it takes to change the channel.

[Don't anybody send me any cash---I'm not in this business of crooking other folks. I've only listed these few schemes to illustrate a point.]

The ONLY security that I have or NEED is Jesus Christ! He will take care of this old hillbilly! Old hoot. Matt.24:44

-- "old " hoot gibson (, October 18, 2001


My neighbor was telling me yesterday that there is a commercial on TV about computer instruction CDs for "FREE"..the fine print on the ad says $6.95 shipping fee! LOL.there's one born every minute....I always wanted to be the guy who invented the wonderful "pet rock"...sigh......

-- lesley (, October 19, 2001.

I have a friend who was so disgruntled with real life upon graduating college that he tried every get rich quick scheme there was. Sadly enough, I showed him an ad that read:

"Get 200 people to send you $5 each in one week!!! It's easy and it really works! please send $5 (cash or money order only) for instructions to...."

He actually considered it. Wow. I splained it to him, and I don't even have a degree!

-- Doreen (, October 19, 2001.

You're right Hoot, lot of unscrupulous people out there trying to separate folks from their money!! And there are several pre paid legal services that aren't what they are cracked up to be. I am an independent associate of PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES,Inc., and I can assure folks that this one is real. You won't get rich quick, just through hard work through a company that was rated the 33rd fastest growing company on the NYSE. There are some imposters out there that try to take advantage of folks, but this one is the real McCoy, offering top quality legal services from top rated reputable law firms nation-wide, all for a very affordable monthly fee.

Hope you and ol' Calvin are stayin good and warm until Lil Dumplin gets back!! Love ya brother!!

-- Uncle Jake (, October 19, 2001.

You're right Hoot, lot of unscrupulous people out there trying to separate folks from their money!! And there are several pre paid legal services that aren't what they are cracked up to be. I am an independent associate of PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES,Inc., and I can assure folks that this one is real. You won't get rich quick, just through hard work through a company that was rated the 33rd fastest growing company on the NYSE. There are some imposters out there that try to take advantage of folks, but this one is the real McCoy, offering top quality legal services from top rated reputable law firms nation-wide, all for a very affordable monthly fee.

Hope you and ol' Calvin are stayin good and warm until Lil Dumplin gets back!! Love ya brother!!


-- Uncle Jake (, October 19, 2001.

OOPS, HAVING A SENIOR MOMENT!!!!!! Hit it twice, sorry!! LOL

-- Uncle Jake (, October 19, 2001.

Hoot, I don't know who first said your quote either, but here is one from the wisest man who ever lived that is close. The question is, is he talking about money?

Proverbs 21 20 There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise; but a foolish man spendeth it up.

Perhaps the foolish man is spending his heavenly reward. After all the Kingdom of God is the dwelling of the wise, is it not?

Little Bit Farm

-- Little bit Farm (, October 19, 2001.

Unk. Jake! Yes you're right. Lots of those prepaid legal services are legit and honest. It's just that some folks are not! They are the ones who make it bad for the honest ones. satan can and does take any honest and Godly business or organization and perverts it by adding his hellish imprint to make it blasphemy in the eyes of Almighty God. We must be aware continuely against such attempts.

LBF. Lay up treasures in heaven where theives don't break in nor rust-----senior moment. Forgot the rest but you're right. We wil be held accountable with what He has entrusted us with. I don't think He will mind too much if we spend it on His things----helping others out, promoting the Gospel etc. He will replentish your cash tho. I know first hand.

Oh btw, I refuse to use caps on anything dealing with the name of satan. I don't honor him and never will. I also don't like to make any reference to the mangey dog because it brings attention to him. Only if I can enlighten folkst to his wily schemes will I make reference to'm. I serve a RISEN Saviour and His name is Jesus Christ! Glory!

old hoot. Matt.24:44

-- "old " hoot gibson (, October 19, 2001.

AMEN HOOT !!! I'm like you, I WILL NOT give any honor to the mangy dog!!! Only one worth giving honor and praise!! GLORY TO HIS NAME!!!!!!!

-- Uncle Jake (, October 19, 2001.

this is not a answer but a question... what rumors or bad experiences did someone have with PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES? you can email me at

I work for them and would like to know if the company really did anything that could even remotely be considered wrong.

I do know some people thought that by becoming a prepaid associate that they would not have to work to get results...every job requires work for profit...

Good bye and God bless

-- tim patton (, July 25, 2002.

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