mortgage after repossession : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

can anyone tell me if they have managed to get another mortgage after being repossesed, or can anyone recommend a mortgage company that would consider us for a mortgage.



-- kelly (, October 19, 2001


Kelly, try having a look at the "Blacklisted" section of the website. Look at "still want another mortgage" where you will find a list of brokers that might be worth checking out.

-- (, October 19, 2001.

Try RFC Mortgage Services in Bracknell Berkshire.

or phone em 01344 478711

They are part of GMAC who Finance Vauxhall Dealer purchases.

-- David Button (, October 20, 2001.

It's also worth trying Bristol & West as they have special mortgages available for people with poor credit histories. They charge a slightly higher rate of interest at first, but if you conduct the mortgage well they will transfer you onto a standard rate mortgage after a couple of years.

When you go and see them (assuming you do) you must be completely honest and "up front" with them - generally they will accept most people (not Bankrupts/IVAs), but they do expect you to be honest. If you've concealed anything and they later find out they will probably refuse.

No connection to B&W, but I do think it's good to see a mainstream lender who is willing to give people a second chance.


-- Chris (, October 21, 2001.

I got a mortgage within a week of settling my dispute. It's with the H and it's a normal mortgage.

-- Terry (, October 22, 2001.

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