How many goats per acre? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hello, Got about 3.5 Acres in Southwest Ar. that is going to be cleaned by natures bush hogs. A couple of questions: 1 How many per acre? (very dense undergrowth) 2 What is the most functional fence? thanks

-- ken ballard (, October 21, 2001


Ken, Some people say about 6 to 8 per acre for good pasture w/ good browse. The best fence is electric. If electric is not an option, use 47" hog wire w/ barbed wire at the bottom (to try to keep predators from digging under) and top. Good luck, Bart

-- Bart (, October 22, 2001.

Food for thought...Goats are notorious escape artists. Sometimes fence training is good. A small area with lots of electric wires teaches them respect. I had a billy learn that the alfalfa field next door was better than his browsing area. Once he figured he could slip under the electric he would do so often. after all, what's one little zap for an hour of delight?! Ssince he had the respect and admiration of all the other goats when he went under so did they. If I could afford it I'd do the entire pasture with cattle panels.

-- Paul (, October 25, 2001.

everything i read says never use barbed wire near goats because of their delicate udder bags, and since it made sense, we didn't.

as far as electric, it would take about 5 strands from what I have researched, with them being closer together towards the bottom.

-- marcee king (, October 26, 2001.

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