Looking for No. 4 and/or No. 5 Cartridge Kodak Camera

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Brownies Buy and Sell : One Thread

Is there anybody who wants to sell his or her No.4 or No.5 Cartridge Kodak Camera? Should be in good/excellent shape. Please mail your offer and price to me at maarten@binnendijk.com I'm living in The Netherlands but can pay in US $ and have a shipping addres in the US when necessary.

-- Maarten Binnendijk (maarten@binnendijk.com), October 23, 2001


I have a Model F Eastman Kodak. The last date on the back says Feb. 4, 1902.

What are they worth?

-- Aviva (aviva@aviva-pages.com), December 06, 2001.

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