M back to back adapter with 50 and 35 Summicrons

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I see one for sale in a local camera store. Anyone know whether a current 50mm Summicron and 35mm Summicron-ASPH will work on this adapter? I am told the 35mm has a rear element that might hit the 50mm 'cron when attached. Anyone know? I don't have a 35mm 'cron to try it on as yet. Sorry to ask such a dull trivial question!

-- Robin Smith (smith_robin@hotmail.com), October 25, 2001



The 50 cron and 35 cron pre-asph do fit along. I do not have a 35 cron asph to give you a definite okay, but if anybody who has one could check, if the rear element is *not* protruding *more* than about 3mm at infinity (the 35 pre-asph protudes by 1mm) I would guarantee for the combo. The adapter is neat when you got to pack light and tight. Cheers.

-- Lutz Konermann (lutz@konermann.net), October 25, 2001.


I have an older style rear lens cap, and the 35 asphs WON'T fit in that without rubbing at the back. I would think it is far safer to glue two normal rear caps back to back to make your own b2b holder. Although slightly longer than the Leica b2b cap, this would offer the added advantage of not leaving the rear element of the remaining lens exposed when one is in use. Also, Hexar rear caps, which work just as well, can be purchased for about $8 each. I've been using just such a b2b cap for quite a while now, and it works great.

-- Jack Flesher (jbflesher@msn.com), October 25, 2001.


I'll second Jack's recommendation of gluing the two caps together. I've done this for years on both my Leica and Nikon caps to keep everything into a nice single cylindrical piece which is easy to pack in a bag's lens slot. Also as Jack states, there is no opening when one lens is removed to the lens that is still attached. A couple of drops of super glue will do the job.

-- Al Smith (smith58@msn.com), October 25, 2001.

The current 50/2 and 35/2ASPH will fit ok in the rear coupler. Although the 35/2ASPH's rear element protrudes past the coupler's midpoint and into the rear of the 50/2, the 35's rear element is smaller in diameter than the recess in the 50 so nothing comes into contact.

-- Jay (infinitydt@aol.com), October 26, 2001.

Thanks everyone! The Hexar cap glueing idea sounds like a good one.

-- Robin Smith (smith_robin@hotmail.com), October 26, 2001.

I concur with the idea of a DIY back-to-back adapter (using two rear caps), but use gaffer tape or duct tape instead of super glue. The caps are made of a rather soft plastic, and the threads can get shot on one or the other. Much easier to peel off the tape to replace one cap than to pry apart two caps that have been glued together.

-- Chuck Albertson (chucko@siteconnect.com), October 30, 2001.

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