film : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I was wondering if anyone knew of a 5x8 or 4x10 split film holder for 8x10 that is currently being made? It seems a good way to get three formats out of 8x10. And I've heard of the Deardorf versions...are they decent to work with? Especially 5x8? Fidelity? Lisco?Hoffman?Wisner is thinking about making some in 2002 but I dont want to wait! Thanks, Emile.
-- Emile de Leon (, October 25, 2001
Emile:Take a look at Jay Bender's site. He sells a modified slide for a standard 8x10 filmholder which allows you to shoot two 4x10 shots on a single sheet of 8x10 film. The slide lists for about $24.
-- Dave Willison (, October 25, 2001.
Hi Emile-Bender makes a split 8x10 dark slide for 4x10. Take a look at
-- Jim Bancroft (, October 25, 2001.