14" Dagor Am. Op. Co. f7.7

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I am picking up this lens in a day or so and I know it will cover 12x20, does anyone have experience with 16x20 coverage. Also, any specific experience with the lens in general, I believe it is uncoated as well? or compared to the 355mm g-claron?

Thanks for the help.

-- Bill Stanley (roooadtrip@aol.com), October 25, 2001


Bill: If it will cover 12x20, it should cover 16x20 as the projectd image is a circle. These are good lenses. It may be single coated, which is fine.


-- Doug Paramore (Dougmary@alaweb.com), October 26, 2001.

Hi, Bill - I have this lens. I love it on 12x20, but I doubt it would really cover 16x20 at infinity. (Covers 12x20 with just a bit of movement at f/64.) My copy (ser. #772XXX) is uncoated, but contrast is really good with this design (only four air-to-glass surfaces). Sharp as heck, too. Really, a superb design for 12x20. Never used the 355mm G-Claron but I understand it is of similar design. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any further questions.


-- Mark Parsons (polar@thegrid.net), October 28, 2001.

16x20 has a bigger diagonal measurement than 12x20.Might not cover...but it's nice and wide and you can hyperfocal. I have a 12"Dagor that I use on 12x20 just fine straight on.

-- Emile de Leon (knightpeople@msn.com), October 28, 2001.

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