What's kicking your ...?

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I have this huge project for work that essentially involves filling out a spreadsheet with information on all NCAA men's and women's basketball teams. Since there are over 300 of each, and since the work is very tedious, I'm very close to being driven insane.

Are y'all getting slammed, at work or anywhere else?

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2001


I am starting to feel rather useless these days...our company is kind of on hold until we get another bid...if we do get it at all...it is flagging for a bridge replacement up on the way to the middle of nowhere. :) My life right now consists of riding horses at the cattle salesyard on monday and tuesdays, and the rest of the week getting up, going with my sister to take my nephew to school, then going to our other sister's house to drink coffee. :) (She got an expresso machine! I would die without at least two double coconut braves in the mornings...)

The rest of the day is spent just trying to find something to do.

It is rather relaxing, not having to work, epecially when you have the option of not working unless the job involves a horse or an orange vest.....

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2001

looking for a job is kicking my ass. paying the rent is kicking my ass. trying to find my former boss who transferred to Maryland so I can use him as a reference is kicking my ass

ALso yoga is kicking my ass.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2001

Cute kids films are kicking my ass, specifically Monsters Inc and Harry Potter. Oh so much work and arguing and just. . . BLERGH.

(Oh and Harry Potter? Best movie EVER. Well, okay, not the best movie ever but best book to film adaptation ever.)

Also, dealing with a dog, also kicking my ass.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2001

Hang in there Melissa! (And sometimes I think, "It would be so nice to be unemployed." Yeah, right.)

Allergies or something are kicking my ass. I'm so freaking tired. The only things that are getting me through the day are antihistamines, decongestants and most importantly: caffeine. All I have to do is make it through today, then I can lay around all weekend and read the Harry Potter books.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2001

A five page paper. On DW Griffith, Ideology, and Parellel Editing. For my crazy Swedish silent film class. I am going to just Mad Lib all the professor's favorite phrases. In fact, the title is "The Dialectic of Modernity."

Which wouldn't be so bad if I didn't also have to edit a short, write a character biography, and get some work done on my feature and my Gilmore Girls spec this weekend too.

Not to mention attend 4 parties, get some action and watch the OU/Nebraska game.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2001

Travel. I got int his afternoon, FINALLY found my car in the damn airport lot, came into work, and now I feel like I have hit a wall of Tired.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2001

DEFINITELY allergies/sinuses....the cold weather is also doing it; I keep shivering, feeling tired, congested with headache. ugh. it's like being sick 24/7 with maybe a short half hour break from the tiredness.

eBay...ughughugh!! I'm sick of relisting! I hate eBay...

my stomach, but that sort've goes in with the physical ailments...it just won't let up on its gurgling.

hmmm that's about all, but for some reason I feel more stressed out than I should be.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2001

Thanks Melissa too. Being unemployed was goofy fun for the first month. The idea of being French. France takes the entire month of August off. ahhhh

-- Anonymous, October 27, 2001

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