Absolutely nothing to do with homesteading but funny!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

OK, I lurk here a lot but rarely post, but this Halloween idea was too funny not to share! If you need a dessert idea for a Halloween party...and have a strong stomach or good sense of humor go to: www.fabulousfoods.com then click on "halloween" there is a recipe for "kitty litter cake" and it looks soooo real. I went out and bought the ingredients and am looking forward to having a great time with the family!

Have a look!

-- RNMOM (tegan@ida.net), October 27, 2001


RNMOM, I was unable to access this site, but maybe that's just a temporary problem with the server. Too bad, because kitty litter is a big part of my life, and I was up for seeing the humor in that recipe right away!

-- Leslie A. (lesliea@mm2k.net), October 27, 2001.

RNMOM - what a great site! Thanks for posting it. We've GOT to make that cake for Halloween! My girls will love it. Just hope our cats don't get confused and add their own decorations to it! :-)

-- Cheryl in KS (cherylmccoy@rocketmail.com), October 28, 2001.

Here is the URL for the page with the recipe http://www.fabulousfoods.com/recipes/dessert/cakes/kittylittercake.htm l

-- Joyce Dingman (FriendsPatterns@juno.com), October 28, 2001.

The last two years there have been kitty litter cakes displayed at the Ohio State fair. Complete with pooper scooper (new I hope). These cakes sure got a second look.

-- vicki in NW OH (thga76@aol.com), October 28, 2001.

I can't fathom why anyone would want to eat something that even LOOKED like "kitty litter".

I read an article....I think in a Countryside issue....about the hazards of novelty items that looked like the real thing. Very young children don't know the difference and have eaten the real thing. If you look at the "candy" aisle in Wal-Mart, you can see some pretty scary stuff....things that would surely fool a young child.

I know children love gross stuff.....I have 4 of 'em.....but I think "candy" that looks like "kitty litter" or "bugs" or "eyeball" gum or sucker and gum "brains" or sucker "tounges" is just plain sick.

I guess my question is "Why?"

-- Jason in S. Tenn. (AJAMA5@netscape.net), October 28, 2001.

Some of the candy Jason mentions IS gross. But I find this cake recipe to be hilarious! Sent the URL out to several friends who share my warped sense of humour.

-- Chelsea (rmbehr@istar.ca), October 28, 2001.

Jason - the answer to your WHY is because it's funny! Kids love gross things. It's just part of being a kid. If you're worried that your child might go snack on the real litter box, then don't make the cake! (And if that is the case, then please sit down and have a long chat with your child!) Both of my girls are certainly smart enough to know the difference. :-)

-- Cheryl in KS (cherylmccoy@rocketmail.com), October 28, 2001.

It is SO gross! I e-mailed it to a friend!

-- Jo (mamamia2kids@msn.com), October 28, 2001.

this is hysterical! was laughing so hard while reading the receipe that my husband came in to see. daughter thought it was disgusting. maybe i should make it! Thanks for the good laugh!

-- amy (amy_tarr@hotmail.com), October 28, 2001.

Yup, it's disgusting alright! I am more squeamy than I thought, this thing grosses me out!

Just a thought -- it says use a new litter pan & liner, but I don't think those are made out of food-grade plastic. I think I'd try to find a substitute, maybe a cake pan and a food bag. My favorite "scooper", however, IS a kitchen tool. Made by Ekco, I have seen it called either a skimmer or a "thingamajig". They are sturdier than the "clone" made for kitty litter, and cheaper too. The plastic scoops are way too wimpy to use at all.

-- Joy F [in So. Wisconsin] (CatFlunky@excite.com), October 28, 2001.

I was finally able to access this site and cried, it was so funny and digusting. I especially like the way she shaped the tootsie rolls to mimic the exact shape of kitty turds. That was real art. One touch I would add would be to spread a little bit of pudding around the scooper and then dip it in crumbs, just so it doesn't look too new. And maybe add a few "clumps" to the box.

-- Leslie A. (lesliea@mm2k.net), October 28, 2001.

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