Retrofitting a "classic" M6 to a 0.58 : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Here is my questions: Can the 0.72 finder of a classic M6 be replaced with a 0.58 finder? If so, any suggestions of who can do that and how much it would cost.

I know what you are thinking -- why not just trade the classic in on a new ttl model? This would probably be the rational thing to do, but I do not like having alot of camera equiptment floating around the house, and I want to keep the classic model because I have owned it for several years and have a lot of memories tied up with the camera.

I probably will go ahead and buy a new 0.58 model, but just want to explore all options.

-- Stephen York (, October 28, 2001


Yes it can easily be done. The cost would be the same as replacing a finder normally. I have not had to change one myself but the oft quoted $600US should be in the ballpark.


-- John Collier (, October 28, 2001.

When I inquired about this with my favorite Leica repair person, he told me that it was a piece of cake to do the work but that Leica was not releasing the parts for the .58x viewfinder as of his last inquiry on that subject. So while it is a technically feasible thing to do, it may not be possible to get it done.

-- Godfrey (, October 28, 2001.

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