Winding/counter problems : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread

I've started having an intermittent problem with my 67II w/AE prism. If the camera is left on for more than around 15-20 minutes the frame # dissappears from the LCD display and the camera behaves as if I just put a new roll of film in it. I end up having to wind through several frames and the counter begins again at 1. Needless to say it's a big pain not to mention wastes LOTS of film. Anyone else experienced this? Any ideas what the source of the problem might be and how rediculously expensive it's going to be to fix?

-- Tom Gorman (, October 28, 2001


I just had this happen to me. My brand new (Dec 2001) 67II w/AE prism did exactly the same thing after about 10 rolls of film. I sent mine to Pentax in Colorado, and literally got it back an hour ago. The repair report says "Repair of back cover assembly to ensure proper latching, fit and film transport tension."

While looking carefully at it now, I did notice the back does seem to have a lot of play at the latch.

What a bunch of crap. This reinforces why I've used Nikons for 25 years, and never bought Pentax 35mm gear.

The Pentax slogan "Reliable gear for your adventures" is a joke.

-- Ken Rehor (, April 02, 2002.

BTW, when I asked if this was a common problem, the guy said "Oh, no, we've never seen this before."


-- Ken Rehor (, April 02, 2002.

Ken, Please update this down the road, so we would know if the "repair" was a success (I guess I dont see the obvious connection between the problem and the wording for the repair done). Also, if you dont mind me asking, were you charged for the repair, or was it covered in some way?

-- miles stoddard (, April 03, 2002.

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