OK, what's the secret to FREE post-Halloween pumpkins?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I just know that zillions of unsold pumpkins will be thrown away, given to livestock, or simply disced under in the fields. What are some of the ways you have gotten free pumpkins after the holidays? Thanks.

-- gita (gschmitz@directcon.net), October 28, 2001


when I lived near Detroit,, I would go to the PRODUCE STORE, the day after,, and ask for some , thye would sell them to people for deer feed,, but Iwasnt charged,, (had a good story)

-- stan (sopal@net-port.com), October 29, 2001.

Just ask,I am more than happy to let folks have the left overs.It saves me from handling them again and otherwise would end up fed to the livestock.

-- Steve in Ohio (stevenb@ohiohills.com), October 29, 2001.

I just called and explained my interest to a private grower and seller. The lady was very nice. When I called back today to make arrangements for getting the pumpkins, they said I could have all that would fit in my truck or trailer (wish I could take both!) because they would be plowing them back into their field--something like 500 they had left--for free. They did ask me to consider leasing them a couple of goats for a petting zoo at their place next year. We will have to talk about a lot of specifics first and get a contract in writing as to how the critter is to be cared for. They have their farm on the market and may be gone by next season--my loss.

-- marilyn (rainbow@ktis.net), October 29, 2001.

Will sheep eat punpkins?

-- Pat (PSRoll@aol.com), October 31, 2001.

I just went to a produce store the day after Halloween and asked if I could have some of the ones that they had set out for a pig farmer who was coming to pick them up. Worker said yes(I only wanted 3 to put up for pumpkin bread and pies), produce manager said $1 each. Now that works for me since I only needed three. Have you thought of looking around where there are decorations containing pumpkins(Only works if you live in or near a town) and asking the people if they will give you the ones from their decorations? Won't work for big loads but just depends on how many you want.

-- Kathy v. (kvnattexan@hotmail.com), November 03, 2001.

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