Give Thanks : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

It's November.

Give thanks.

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001


Let's see . . .

I'm thankful for my parents, and how they try to do what's best for me, even if we disagree as to what that should be.

I'm thankful that when I call my brother, he sounds happy to hear from me.

I'm thankful my grandfather lived a long life, and that he didn't have to be around for September 11.

I'm thankful for The Smoker.

I'm thankful that none of my exes are jerks. (Please disregard anything I said in the past that indicated otherwise.)

I'm thankful I work for a company I like and that I can take pride in what I do.

I'm thankful for my readers, who, miraculously, never flame me.

I'm thankful for everyone doing NaNoWriMo, because now I can talk about writing a novel without looking so much like Pretentious McFullofherself.

I'm thankful for Pamie, who introduced me to using ____ Mc____.

I'm thankful that I get along with my roommate.

I'm thankful to Wing Chun and Sars for creating MBTV, which introduced me to Hissyfit, which led me to Squishy, which got me here.

I'm thankful for this forum. (But I'm also thankful that I'm not the top poster anymore.)

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

I'm thankful that I have excellent health.

I'm also thankful that I have been blessed with the athleticism to train for a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.

I'm thankful that I have a loving husband and a beautiful child.

I'm thankful that I have good neighbors.

I'm thankful that I am blessed with the persistence to stay with my career path through all the twists and turns until I finally found a position where I can thrive. And the money ain't bad.

I'm thankful that I finally came to the realization that I can't be pissed off, bitter and resentful about everything. Life is much more enjoyable now.

I'm thankful that I don't have financial worries.

I'm thankful that even though they live 400 miles away, I have a close, loving relationship with my brother and sister.

I'm thankful that my brother-in-law has chosen to live his drug-addled life separately from the rest of his family. I'd be more thankful if he'd get off the drugs entirely and support his kids.

I'm thankful for the 4 cats, even if it gets me into Crazy Cat Lady territory.

I'm thankful my parents have their health and their full mental faculties.

I'm thankful for my Mother-in-law. And my father-in-law. They're pretty cool.

I'm thankful I live in an area with beautiful mild weather and minimal natural disasters. I'm also thankful the earthquake fault I live near hasn't gone off yet.

I'm thankful for music, listening and playing.

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

I'm thankful for my spectacular, loving boyfriend.

I'm thankful that my family and I are so close.

I'm thankful that I have such a big family.

I'm thankful for the new silver watch that my mommy bought me yesterday for no reason.

I'm thankful to have a car that runs.

I'm thankful that I have the ability to pay off my hospital debt by myself.

I'm thankful for being able to go outside, get on a horse, and ride off into this beautiful fall day, even though I probably won't do it.

I am thankful that my nephew has fallen asleep and I don't have to watch Power Rangers anymore...

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

I'm thankful for the house I live in and for my mom even when we get on each other's nerves

I'm thankful I have people to call when I feel lonely even if I end up just moping instead

I'm thankful for my boyfriend though this week I haven't been showing it

I'm thankful for all the sardonic squishies who grace my lovely forum and give me mucho hits ^^

I'm thankful for having this forum to go to also...MATH+1 numbah waaan (not counting mine of course)

I'm thankful for music and literature which I can immerse myself in for hours

I'm thankful for being alive even with these nashty sinuses attacking me

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2001

I'm thankful that I have my law school diploma in my grubby little hands

I'm thankful for my relatively good health

I'm thankful for having the coolest grandmother in the whole wide world.

I'm thankful for the eyecandy at the Birkenstock store in the Redneck Hell mall. (WOOOO HOOOO FINE ANY PLACE ANY TIME!!!!)

I'm thankful for having an interview at my dream job.

I'm thankful I don't have the antrax and my life is such that I wasn't in the middle of all the madness (one of my dream jobs was 2 blocks from WTC)

I'm thankful for my goofy little brother who always makes me laugh.

-- Anonymous, November 04, 2001

I'm thankful for my new job!!

I'm thankful that when I quit my current job about 15 minutes ago, my boss was pretty nice about it, and made my last day November 15 instead of making me sit around here for two whole weeks.

I'm thankful that I'll be moving in with my brother at the end of the month, for a while. He rocks my world, and also lives in the cool part of town. Bonus.

I'm thankful I'll get to see my family on Thanksgiving.

I'm thankful for the cool new people I've been meeting since the divorce. Especially the Cool Girls, and the new guy with the motorcycle.

I'm awash in the thanks right now, folks.

-- Anonymous, November 06, 2001

*I am thankful that it's the beginning of November and I able to wear a sleevless shirt today. Normally we'd have snow by now.

*I am thankful that I have a good, secure job.

*I am thankful for my new house that will be gorgeous when all the remodeling is finally done.

*I am thankful for my wonderful, beautiful daughter who amazes me with her compassion and caring.

*I am thankful that I have someone to lie next to at night who loves me.

*I am thankful that I have good friends and family.

-- Anonymous, November 06, 2001

(bumping up to new, since Thanksgiving is in less than a week!)

-- Anonymous, November 16, 2001

I'm thankful for:


• Montego

• the Little Peep

• my mother

• my step-father for loving my mother and taking care of me even when I usually don't deserve it.

• e to the mf p

• for having a good job in this uncertain time (I just jinxed myself, didn't I?)

• for generally being a happy person. It makes life SO much easier

• Faith

• Love

• Hope

-- Anonymous, November 19, 2001

I am thankful for:

- 29 years with a wonderful, imperfect father.

- a mother who loves me enough to make up for almost anything.

- a brother who could construct a shelter from a toothpick and book of matches.

- prosperity, of which I have much.

- friends, of which I have many.

- Chris. He is always being the person I didn't expect him to be. I love him, and I'm thankful that he makes it pretty easy. And I am thankful that he loves me, in spite of the constant crisis of the last several months, and in spite of the fact that I am a weirdo.

-- Anonymous, November 19, 2001

-My parents. For supporting me in graduate school despite lifelong avowals that they would only pay for our undergrad education. For having a wonderful home that I love to come back to and feel loved in. For loving me unconditionally despite our many, many differences.

-My siblings.

-My friends. I have the funniest, nicest, most amazing friends in the world. And I'm including y'all on that list, don't you worry.

-A roof over my head and food to eat, every day of my life so far.

-That I know what I want to do in life, I love doing it, and hopefully will actually someday get paid for it.

-That through the wonders of the internet, not only have I been able to see two of my favorite bands this fall, but I've been able to see them for free.

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2001

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