1942 top score

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

I received this mail: Hi ROUGH, This is an automatically generated email from the MAME Action Replay Page to tell you about a new recording at the site. Your account (login 'ah') is set up to email you about any upload which beats one of your scores. The new recording was made by Novice@2ch using version mame55 and scores 14158180 on 1942 (1942 (set 1)). The new recording is in position 1. The new recording reduces your leaderboard score. The description for the recording is: 'Poor 1<< >>7 Good
Level=5. shooting down 8604. 91% destraction
Played on skip=0.minimum speed=95%(57/60). '. You may view a list of scores for this game by visiting: http://marp.retrogames.com/index.cgi?mode=frames&mode2=search&short=^1942$&per_game=99 It can be downloaded from the Action Replay Page, as usual, or from: http://marp.retrogames.com/inp/7nt_1942_14158180_mame55.zip You can set up the things to want to be mailed about back at the MAME Action Replay Page. It appears on the 'edit_user' section of the main menu (click the 'Scores/Search/...' link at the top of the page, then click 'edit_user'. You can also use that page to say that you don't want to receive mail like this again. If you have problems, please email zwaxy@bigfoot.com. I will gladly stop you receiving this email if you don't want it. But cant find the score on the marp.site, has it been disqualified and if yes, why?

-- rOuGh (rough@c64.rulez.org), November 02, 2001


Hisa deleted the score only about 30 minutes after uploading it (once it was confirmed). Don't ask why he did that, I don't know...

-- Barry Rodewald (bsr@hnpl.net), November 02, 2001.

Yes he deleted it very quickly. I still have the recording if you are interested.



-- QRS (qrs@telia.com), November 02, 2001.

Yes, i'm interrested by the recording :-)


-- Francois Daniel (francois-daniel@libertysurf.fr), November 02, 2001.

I'm interested as well - could you email me. Much appreciated.

-- Tim Morrow (tmorrow@bigpond.net.au), November 03, 2001.

you can find it somewhere of internet world.(I removed pass-word page)

-- Hisa@Team2ch (weavuspert@yahoo.co.jp), November 03, 2001.

umm, you guys do realize you can download the recording just by using the link that Rough cut-pasted from the mail notification.


Just paste that into your browser and you can download it. BET YOU DIDN'T COUNT ON THAT BEING POSSIBLE, HISA! The recording's still there and you can't get rid of it! HAR HAR


-- BBH (lordbbh@aol.com), November 03, 2001.

Heh. It's the attack of the @team2ch people! Or are they all Hisa.....?

-- Joe Ledesma (JoeyL21988@yahoo.com), November 03, 2001.

Those who checked the zip: Is it a valid highscore?

-- rOuGh (rough@c64.rulez.org), November 03, 2001.

itteyosi >Joe Ledesma
----syuu ryou------

-- Novice@Team2ch (weavuspert@yahoo.co.jp), November 04, 2001.

itteyosi >Joe Ledesma ----syuu ryou------

Eh? What is that supposed to mean? Did i do something wrong by thinking they were all Hisa? I mean they all sent in excellent scores for various games....did they not?

-- Joe Ledesma (JoeyL21988@yahpo.com), November 04, 2001.

rOuGh, the score is indeed real (I watched it myself, and even if I hadn't, I would trust Hisa to not lie). The replay is an amazing feat, and you can almost say it's a perfect game.

-- Joe Ledesma (JoeyL21988@yahoo.com), November 04, 2001.


I also have checked his replay of 1942`s. His replay is great ... You`d better see it by yourself. You`ll be amazed and appreciate Hisa for sure.

Best regards,


-- Yumi (Uchidayumi@aol.com), November 04, 2001.

No, perhaps it's a perfect score for 1942, but the team2ch's scores for Gradius series aren't perfect. I'd see in Gamest (Arcade Japanese magazine) many scores of 10 000 000 + alpha on these games. The team2ch are (is ?) great players but the scores aren't perfect yet.

François Daniel

-- Francois Daniel (francois-daniel@libertysurf.fr), November 05, 2001.

GAMEST's score ranking permit the score using rapidfire. If marp permits rapidfire, it is easy for me to accomplish 10,000,000pts.

-- tkx@Team2ch (webmaster@mokekeke.ceo-jp.com), November 05, 2001.

When since do Arcades have rapid fire except built in....built in rapid fire is acceptable at MARP. If you use a button that acts as if it is tapping a button many many times when you hold it down then that is not allowed in MARP. Like in Bosconian, if you hold the button down, shots keep coming out. That is fine. I hope you understand, if not, just ask questions. In life force, it appears that you are able to hold down the button and shots will come out sorta fast. With a "real" rapid fire button, it shoots much faster, but is not allowed.

-- Joe Ledesma (JoeyL21988@yahoo.com), November 05, 2001.

Of course, rapidfire which I say is by the machine. It is like for example, taking a signal from the VSYNC of a screen.

> life force NES version?

-- tkx@Team2ch (webmaster@mokekeke.ceo-jp.com), November 05, 2001.

No, Life Force Arcade version. I haven't played the NES version in a LONG time :)

-- Joe Ledesma (JoeyL21988@yahoo.com), November 05, 2001.

Hey, I was in awe when I see the fabulous score in Gamest. If you said me they've made with auto-fire... So, it's always great score... as the one over 9 millions at Argos no Senchi I see one day on Gamest. How he made it, it's impossible to reach this score. 7 millions I think it's possible, but not 9 or 10. There are another 1 million hidden somewhere Hisa ? If you know that game.

-- Francois Daniel (francois-daniel@libertsurf.fr), November 05, 2001.

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