Announcement of 7DBS - Season 2 : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

All right, here's hoping that this season works out better than last season did... it pulled an XFL last time. :-/

Anyway, here's the way it'll work now:

* Find a partner - it'll be done in teams of two, rather than the individual setup.

* Once you have a partner, tell me (use the e-mail above), and give me a list of ten games you'd like to see in this season. Some of them may not make it in, but the most frequently chosen will.

* Four games will be chosen for the preseason (weeks of Feb. 3, Feb. 10, Feb. 17, and Feb. 24) - these games don't count towards which teams go into the playoffs, they're just (if we get enough teams) to determine divisions to divide into.

* Twelve games will be chosen for the regular season (weeks of Mar. 10, 17, 24, and 31, Apr. 7, 14, 21, and 28, and May 5, 12, 19, and 26). Within each competing pair of teams, the recordings will be ranked 3-2-1-0 (3pts for 1st, 2pts for 2nd, and so on), and the combined team score will be worth an addition point to the team. In addition, the overall rankings of the individual scores (.5 points for each place, starting at 0 for 1st) and team scores (1 point for each place, starting at 0 for 1st) will be added up to give the team's ranking points. The lower your ranking points, the better.

* Ranking points are ONLY used to break ties between match points for the playoffs.

* The playoffs will start June 9th, and will be explained further in detail once I know how many teams will be involved.

Now for the restrictions on chosen games:

* Games used in the original 7DBS season, or Tournament 4, may NOT be chosen for this season.

* Games used in Tournament 5 or KoA2 may NOT be chosen for this season (or next season).

* Games used in the Olympiad (with qualifying rounds) may NOT be chosen for the next three seasons.

* Games used in the Olympiad (with open play) may NOT be chosen for the next season.

* Games with multiple modes may NOT have more than one mode used this season; if one mode was used in a category above, other modes are still valid for this season.

And Gameboy - this time, I'm not going to think I can do this alone. Help would be appreciated, even if it's just putting this up on here.

I'd *like* to have people sending in their teams by January 1st... and the latest I'll take teams is January 20th (to give me and any other coordinators two weeks to get the season set up).

Also, if you'd like to be a coordinator on this, PLEASE tell me. You won't be barred from competing - however, I will request that your partner NOT be a coordinator.

Thanks for bearing with me on this.

-- dissolute city, 7DBS Coordinator (, November 06, 2001


Who wants to be my partner? :)

-- Joe Ledesma (, November 06, 2001.

Oh, one other note: Just because I said I want people sending their teams in by January 1st doesn't mean that I want people to WAIT until then. Send in your teams now, if you can decide who you want to be with.

-- dissolute city, 7DBS Coordinator (, November 20, 2001.

Was it start? how to enter?

-- Novice (, March 17, 2002.

Hisa, it has not started yet. Talk to Matt by e-mailing him at either or . Ask him any questions you have about the tourney, I am sure he is more than willing to answer any questions you have. By the way, be sure to check out the new message boards on MARP, you would have received a response much sooner.

-- Joe Ledesma (, March 23, 2002.

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