Friday, Nov. 9 : LUSENET : MATH : One Thread

Happy Friday!

-- Anonymous, November 09, 2001



I guess Margaret Cho was in town last night and I didn't know so I didn't go. Suck. AND Tom had an extra ticket. So sad. I guess she was really funny and vulgar and said "pussy" 900 times.

-- Anonymous, November 09, 2001

Yay! Friday!

What up, pretty people?

-- Anonymous, November 09, 2001

I think today might be the AB and H Show Part II.

Okay, so I got some of the Buffy songs, but what's the one called, sort of from the beginning, taht was like - What can't we face if we're together?

-- Anonymous, November 09, 2001

Yeah, that's my favorite one! It's at the end of "I've Got a Feeling"...where the song changes. Took me forever to figure out that it wasn't a separate song.

I like the AB & H Show. It's funny.

-- Anonymous, November 09, 2001

Am I a loser because I get chills when I listen to "Walk through the Fire"? Cause, uh, I do.

Ah! And I didn't download that one. Must go back and get it.

-- Anonymous, November 09, 2001

If you are a loser because of that, then I am an even bigger loser, because I watched it again last night. And cried in all the same places.

Ha! Crazy Buffy.

-- Anonymous, November 09, 2001

Sneaking in.

I just spent a bunch of money on tickets to the Down from the Mountain: Music from O Brother concert in January. Now, do I HAVE a bunch of money to do that with? Well, no. But has that ever stopped me before? No again.

Also, I wrote an entry for HYD and will try to post it tonight. May have to wait until next week, though. I guess I am soon to return to the airwaves.

-- Anonymous, November 09, 2001

I'm sure everyone's looking forward to your return, Al.

It's good that I'm so excited because my excitement is pre-empting my nervousness about flying.

-- Anonymous, November 09, 2001

We have moved.

Of course, the computers haven't, except for a couple. But what can you do?

-- Anonymous, November 09, 2001

Wait. Why were you moving again?

-- Anonymous, November 09, 2001

Well, I'm off. Going to get to the airport extra early. Have great weekends and I'll talk to you on Tuesday!

-- Anonymous, November 09, 2001

Long story, but the short answer is that Gannett owns the new building, and apprently we rented the old one.

-- Anonymous, November 09, 2001

Y'all. I'm in New Orleans. Johanna, there is no reason to be nervous about flying. Similarly, there is no reason to be nervous abot anything that is little more than a giant pain in the ass. Like flying.

Although, on my flight from Little Rock to Atlanta yesterday, I sat next to a woman who was a juror in one of the whitewater trials. She told me all kinds of interesting things about The Commander, that Star Trek woman who was on the jury.

Al, are tickets still on sale? OH! Tomorrow is GunDay - how could I have forgotten?

-- Anonymous, November 09, 2001

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