Steve Grimes' "Utility Sinar Lens Boards" : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Steve Grimes makes a utility Sinar lens board that allows for one to use of a circular polarizer with 100mm filters, and that can be up to 2mm in thickness.

The beauty of Steve's invention is that: it obviates the need to purchase seperate Sianr adapter rings for each lens that is used, it allows for use of up to three contrast filters with a circular polarizer, it fits into a Sinar bellows/lens shade, and does not depend on the thread condition of a lens' front element. In addition, Steve's utility lens board can be used with, or without, a Sinar auto-shutter.

Steve's finished product is undeniably a thing of beauty, simplicity, and genius. Certainly, I suspect Steve can adapt his idea of a "Utility Lens Board" to any large format camera. In my opinion, Steve' utility Sinar lens board is so well made and impressive, that it looks like something Sinar would have sold with a much higher price tag.

Robert J. Triffin Drexel Hill, PA / USA RJTRIFFIN@HOME.COM

-- Robert J. Triffin (RJTRIJFFIN@HOME.COM), November 09, 2001

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