Friendship bread? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

We use to have this basis for a bread we would pass around at work. You would put some in a baggie and pass it along to others and then start over. A list came with it and told you what to do each day like add sugar or knead bag to remove air. Then at the end of the certain amount of days the "batter" is done so you can use it and pass extra along to friends so they can start a batch. Does anyone know how to start the mix and do you have the sheet telling what to do each day?

-- Beth Goodness (, November 10, 2001


Try this site for assistance -- they have the basic recipes as well as variations --

If you go to Google's site and type in Friendship Bread, you will find a whole bunch of sites about it.

-- julie f. (, November 11, 2001.

Do a search I found tons of amish friendship bread recipes this way .I think I'll start some today!

-- Patty {NY State} (, November 11, 2001.

Just be careful......we have had fun with this at work, but we ended up with so much people run and hide when they see you coming with those "bags of starter!!" Denise

-- Denise K. (, November 11, 2001.

I have it. It sounds like the same stuff. My daughter makes the bread every 10 or 11 days. The directions are long, but if you email your snailmail address, I'll mail it to you. Carol

-- carol (, November 13, 2001.

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