FS:75mm/f1.4 Summiluxgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread |
I had a new summilux 75mm/f1.4 for sales, asking for USD$1599.00Please e-mail to me if anyone is interest.
-- Joseph (jose_phla@hotmail.com), November 11, 2001
Joseph, I sure don't want you to think I'm trying to step on your toes, so please don't get me wrong here. Why you want to sell it? I borrowed one once for a whole day and I really did like the focal size, "portraiture of architecture details" etc, the aperture is absolutely without dispute. Is it the weight and volume, any imbalance, the firmness of ring settings? Just trying to collect feelings about this.
-- Michael Kastner (kastner@zedat.fu-berlin.de), November 11, 2001.
sheesh, if i had the money i'd buy it in an instant. darn...Godfrey
-- Godfrey (ramarren@bayarea.net), November 11, 2001.
The 75 Summiluxes are advertised in our ohoto magazines and I see some of them are described as "German." I thought all of them were made in Germany. The ones that say "German" are always priced higher. Where are the non-German 75 'luxes made? Can anyone see a difference between them?
-- Frank Horn (owlhoot45@hotmail.com), November 11, 2001.
Frank:The 75 f/1.4 was designed at the Leitz/Leica factory in Midland, Ontario, Canada (as were many fast Leica M lenses from the mid-1950s up until about 1990 - including most of the 35/90 Summicrons) and also built there for its first 12-15 years. 75 manufacture moved to Solms, Germany in the mid-1990's sometime, and the lens barrel (but not the glass) was slightly redesigned to cut some weight.
I CAN see a difference between the Canadian and German lenses - one is marked "MADE IN CANADA' and the other is marked "MADE IN GERMANY." 8^)
Otherwise, I think the concensus is that there are NO differences optically between any German/Canadian lenses except those due to chronology, not geography. E.G., optically a 1990's German lens may beat a 1970s Canadian lens may beat a 1950s German lens.
-- Andy Piper (apidens@denver.infi.net), November 11, 2001.
The reason German versions are priced higher is because production had been moved to Solms a year ago so they are newer. I
-- ray tai (razerx@netvigator.com), November 11, 2001.