Passwords, passwords, passwords! : LUSENET : Unk's Troll-free Private Saloon : One Thread

I don't know about you but I have a pile of passwords. I read all of my professional journals on the web. They are protected. I have a number of national and international sites involved with my work and biohazard responsibilities. Yep, all password protected. My own FTP sites [2] are protected. The list goes on and on. I looked at my password list this morning in my office. Not counting this site, I have 37.

I am so protected that I have to keep a list. How about you? :o)

Best Wishes,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, November 11, 2001


Only three and can't remember one of them. Must not be important. You're either in dire need of some simplication in life or you like it the way it is. Gotta choose bro.

-- Carlos (, November 12, 2001.

I forgot to mention, my password file is also password protected. :o)))

Best Wishes,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, November 13, 2001.

Z, I have about that many too. I don't see how you can NOT accumulate passwords being on the internet. Various forums, memberships, email accounts, voicemail, news sites that force you to register, and so on. To manage them I use a utility called Password Corral that sits in my QuickLaunch tray. It too is password-protected. ;-)

Simplification? Just add 'em to the list. Doesn't seem that complicated now that I manage it.

Microsoft will want us to register our internet passwords with Microsoft Passport to take this "burden" off our hands. Don't do it. That makes me laugh just like the little security checkbox labeled "Always trust Microsoft".

-- Debbie (, November 13, 2001.

I use the same password for everything. If anyone gains access to the password, they can steal my identity and take over my life. So far, there are no takers.

-- (what@i.think), November 14, 2001.

I use Gator. It saves your passwords and brings up thebox, asking if you want to use the password. I have any backweb functions of it turned off, where it cankeep a list of sites you go to. You need to make sure Gator's information gathering ability is blocked.

-- Cherri (, November 14, 2001.

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