Udder-Way LaManchas? Plus goat question

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have so many questions its annoying! Does anybody know anything about Udder-Way's Lamanchas. Do they have a website? I looked on google but found nothing. By the way almost 2 weeks later since I discovered milk, she STILL hasn't kidded, what gives? Her Bag is full, large, and warm. Her vulva is rosy, large, no discharge. Ah, well, she'll kid in her own time I guess! Thank you all who have been so kind to answer my questions, you are a true blessing to a beginning country bumpkin. Thanks!

-- Chandler (ProvidenceFarms2001@yahoo.com), November 11, 2001


Her vulva looks like pic 1 at www.fiascofarm.com/goats/kidding-photos-1.htm

-- Chandler (ProvidenceFarms2001@yahoo.com), November 11, 2001.

Udder Way is a well known herd. They have done well at the Nationals in the past. Other than that I do not know a whole lot, though I could look up sires in the semen catalogs or give you the owner's phone number. Joining the la Mancha talk group on yahoo groups would probably give you more information.

-- Rebekah (daniel1@itss.net), November 11, 2001.

Chandler, Thats a very nice website and very informative photos. Is this your farm? Nice goats.

-- Kate henderson (kate@sheepyvalley.com), November 12, 2001.

Ahh.. those La Manchas! They are so willing and ready to milk! A friend had one that always bagged up weeks before kidding.. she finally learned to pretend the udder wasn't there.. but when her buck developed an udder filled with remarkably palatable milk she was stymied! He continued to breed fine milky daughters but she had to hook him up to the milking machine regularly to relieve the huge udder that filled regularly(his teats were too small for hand milking). Finally she figured she had enough daughters from him and butchered him just so she could no longer have to wrestle a reeking (but sweet) buck up on her stancion to milk him!

-- Ellen (gardenfarm@earthlink.met), November 13, 2001.

The Browns sold out their herd to Patty Dean, at least their Alpines a few yrs back, have some Udder Way in my herd now. They were outstanding animals in their day. Might want to try as suggested Lamancha Talk at yahoogroups.

-- Bernice (geminigoats@yahoo.com), November 16, 2001.

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