Dog chews from pig skin : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

We have a new puppy! She loves to chew as all good puppys do and loves pig ears! We are butchering a hog on Thursday and I need to know if anyone has the know how to make pig skin chews! Can't see buying them if we can make them! Any help would be appreciated! Darlene

-- Darlene in W WA (, November 13, 2001


Darlene, Just cut the skin into strips however big you want them, and use clothespins to secure them to some fencing to dry out, that's all we do with ours. They love any type of hide or skin this way. CJ

-- CJ (, November 13, 2001.

Darlene, I would suggest that the hog be scalded and scraped. After skinning, trim as much excess fat as possible and cut into strips. Place in the oven at 200 degrees, leave the door cracked with a knife and bake until dried. Turn and rotate occasionally. Should take several hours. I do this on a broiler pan to drain the excess grease. Keeps the smoke down and they dry faster. I have done this a few time with skins from our own hogs and from skins I get from the slaughter house. When I can't get skins I buy neck bones and dry the same way. Only difference is they have to be stored in the refrigerator for short term use or frozen to last a while. My 4 dogs LOVE them. It also makes for a happy puppy and alot fewer personal items destoyed. Best wishes with puppy.

-- Terri (, November 13, 2001.

If you can smoke them they smell better, I think so anyway.

-- Thumper (, November 13, 2001.

i would cut them into strips 6 inches long , by 4 inches wide , and i smoke them , the dogs like them best that way , and since its cooked , they dont smell as bad as line drying them ,(i tried that , and to me they smelt rotten)

if you dont have a smoker , you could put them in a low stove , on a broiler pan to drain the fat off .... good luck .

-- Beth Van Stiphout (, November 14, 2001.

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