how do you matt a picture? : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Ive been going to school for black and white phoogrphy for about 9 months now and i have a Tryptic project due that has to be presented with a clean proffesional look. I have already cut the mount board and Matt board but how do I hinge them together. I dont want to just press them together i want the top matt to be able to fold up to see the original mount board. Im sure I can come up with a way to do it with tape but is there a CORRECT way to do this or even a BETTER way?

-- Rocky gibbs (, November 14, 2001


I use archival tape I purchased from light impressions to make a hinge on the top part of the two mat boards. Bob

-- Bob Smith (, November 14, 2001.

Lay the matt board which already has the window cut out over the mount board (which should be the same size). Pick up the bottom of the matt board and open it as if there was a piano hinge all across the top. You will now be looking at the mounting board and the back of the matt board. The two boards should be touching along the top edges of the two boards. Take some linen tape and actually make a hinge all across the top where the two edges are touching by connecting the two boards together. You have now hinged the two boards together.

If you do not dry mount the photograph, attach it to the mount board in the following manner. With the boards hinged open, figure out where to position the print for proper display through the window. Mark at least the corners of where the photograph needs to be on the mount board so you will know where to attach the print. Turn the print over, and put two pieces of linen tape at the top of the prints (tape should be going verticle and not horizontal, and should be about 1/4 to 1/3 of the way in from each side). The tape should attach onto the back of the print about 1 1/2 inches or so, with exposed tape above the top of the print the width of the linen tape you are using. Place the photograph on the mount board. You will see the two pieces of linen tape at the top with the gummed side exposed. Cut two pieces of linen tape about 3 inches long, and tape over the exposed linen tape, attaching the print to the mounting board (the print will be able to be lifted from the bottom).

This is what I have been told is the "correct" way to do this. I hope these directions are understandable.

-- Jim Rock (, November 15, 2001.

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