Where can I buy fresh duck eggs in Kansas City area

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I am allergic to chicken egges and would like to find some fresh duck eggs. I live in the Kansas City, Missouri area. It could be either from the farm where the ducks are raised, or from a store. (I have called the oriental markets in the area and they don't carry duck eggs).

Thanks for your help. I know of several other people who are allergic to chicken eggs who would like to know of a source of duck eggs.

-- Jean Robison (jrobison@planetkc.com), November 14, 2001


It's be a lot less expensive to keep a few ducks!

-- ~Rogo (rogo2020@yahoo.com), November 14, 2001.

Have you spoken to your doctor about this? My brother was allergic to the albumen in chicken eggs, which of course would be in duck eggs also.....

-- terri (hooperterri@prodigy.net), November 14, 2001.

have you gone doen to KC MO farmers market? Have you tryed the Orental food store down by there? Have you gone to any of the small town feed stores to put up a want ad? Most of those places have a bullition board at the entrance or exit? Have you Gone to Wild Oats or any other organic food stores?

If you have ANY questions Email me. I live in MO but work in KS.

-- Cindy from MO (redhenfarm@rovin.net), November 15, 2001.

Hi to all. I've been offline and unavailable for 2 monthes during a recent illness, but I'm back, and almost well now.

I have ducks, and my mom has ducks and eggs. I make it to Lawrence/KC about every 3 weeks, and could bring you some to a meeting place. E-mail me directly, and I'll get back to you in a few days. We charge $2/doz for med. duck eggs.

-- Marty (Mrs.Puck@Excite.com), November 15, 2001.

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