Scan test : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

-- Doug Ford (, November 14, 2001


I just don't understand people who say "There isn't any point in shooting Leica glass to make a 72 ppi web image - you can't see the difference anyway."

The tonality of these images screamed "LEICA" the moment I opened the entry page.

Nicely done, Doug. What were you testing?

-- Andy Piper (, November 14, 2001.

Oh, and this should make Doug's link clickable.

-- Andy Piper (, November 14, 2001.

I recently purchased my Leica camera and poloriod scanner. I wanted to post the pics and view them from different computers/monitors to see how they would be affected. These shots were taken as a continueing learning exercise in exposure and film development for me, still a lot to learn. I've visited your site (andy) and am very impressed with your work, thank you for the positive feedback.

-- Doug Ford (, November 15, 2001.

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