infant : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread |
Im having a baby out of wedlock. Despite the premarital sex issue, which I continuously grappled with during my relationship, I consider myself a practicing Catholic and have EVERY intention of raising my child in the Catholic faith.My question is: am I allowed to baptize my baby in the faith even though I am not married?
-- anin (, November 15, 2001
Yes, "anin" [anon(ymous)?], you certainly are allowed to have your baby baptized by your local priest or deacon.
Please approach your pastor without delay to begin preparing for this most wondrous day of "christening."
And may God bless you richly for choosing life!
-- (, November 15, 2001.
Dear Anin, Of course you can get your baby baprized. If for some reason your priest doesn't see it this way, there are lots of priests out there who do. Ellen
-- Ellen K. Hornby (, November 20, 2001.
there are so many places in the world where priests are baptizing common, poor people against money an food!!! you have one of your own baby, I guess no money is involved either? so no big deal at all!
-- nov (, November 20, 2001.