Was San Francisco's nickname during the 19th century "Queen of the Pacific?"

greenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

I am trying to find what U.S. city was call "Queen of the Pacific" when ships went over to the Orient in the 19th century.

-- Nancy Kuyoth (nkuyoth@aol.com), November 16, 2001


“Queen of the Pacific” seems to have been a very popular thing to be called:

The ship Empress of Japan was known as Queen of the Pacific (http://www.greatoceanliners.net/empressofjapan2.html)

Honolulu was also known as that (http://honolulu- hawaii.areaguides.net/detail.html?cityguide=history). So were; Sydney (http://www.google.com/search? q=cache:DvKppyvh904:www.cityguide.travel- guides.com/cities/syd/cityoverview.asp+%22queen+of+the+pacific% 22+city&hl=en), Panama City (http://www.pananet.com/turismo/panama/Panamai.html – watch out for this site, it has hundreds of popups – try http://www.starlitepanama.com/city.htm instead), and Acapulco (http://icq.planetout.com/pno/travel/listing.html?sernum=3915 – also a heavy popup site).

Oh, yes: the Coast Guard Cutter Campbell (http://www.geocities.com/uscgccampbell/nlpg6.html) also claimed the title.

-- Rosa Debonneheure (rosadebon@yahoo.com), November 16, 2001.

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