Minolta x-7a self timer??

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

Hi I have a Minolta X-7a SLR and I lost my instruction book. I have to do a self portrait for a school project and i dont know how to work the self timer....is there anyone who knows how it works for this camera or Minolta self timers in general??? Thank You

-- Jack Collins (gladysdeans@aol.com), November 17, 2001



I don't know the X-7a but I have the X-700 that may be alike. Next to the lens there is a button. If you press it down, the camera holds the settings (speed etc). If you however lift it up, the self-timer is activated.


-- ReinierV (rvlaam@xs4all.nl), December 21, 2001.

I have the same camera and yes it works just as Reinier said.


-- Patty Holland (phol9666@yahoo.com), January 18, 2002.

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