Great story. (Goats - General) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Two weeks ago I went to a sale to get a billy for breeding. While at the sale the man told me to go choose the billy and he would run it thru. I was looking in a pen of about 30 goats all ages, sizes, and breeds when a little white goat came up in all the chaos(fighting and breeding) and wanted me to pet it. This seemed strange because my goats no matter how hard I try never initiate any contact with me :( Bummer thing is I got them for pets. Anyways, it was so sweet. Then it turned his head and to my surprize had a torn off horn and blood all down the side of his head. That was it! I had to "save" this poor little what I thought was a doe. We bought both it and the billy and headed home. Well, "Uno" which is what we called it, turned out to be a wether. This was perfect because my only other wether is the one am determined to make friendly and and am keeping permanetly. They are the same age(under one) and becoming best friends. Uno is such a good influence. The day we brought him home he just hung around in the yard... no fence. He follows me everywhere and loves to be scratched and talked to. When I pet him, he wiggles his tail and licks me face. Sure... he was bottle fed, but I like to think of it as "he loves me". His head has healed nicely and he seems to be a pygmy cross. Finally I have a friendly goat! The billy on the other hand, attacked us, the dogs, and run away all in the first hour. Lets just say... once his duties are done... He's outta here!
-- Amy Sabino (, November 20, 2001
Would say love is where you find it. Sally
-- (, November 20, 2001.
That is a great story. Thanks for sharing it with all of us, Amy.
-- Barb (, November 20, 2001.
How lucky for you and Uno, both!
-- Shannon at Grateful Acres Animal Sanctuary (, November 20, 2001.