is anyone in maine,VT,or NH trying to sell thier mobile home? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Is anyone in ME,NH,or VT trying to sell thier mobile home?we are looking for a mobile home under 50,000.

-- Stephanie (, November 20, 2001


Hopefully that is with land ! You could get a house and land for that in NY State.

-- Patty {NY State} (, November 20, 2001.

Actually, Stephanie is jumping the gun a little, we will be looking for that mobile home in or around June. Thanks for the help Steph!

-- Sandie in Maine (, November 20, 2001.

Sandie or Stephanie, are you looking for a mobile home with land and if so, how much? Give us a few more details of what you are looking for. There are actually quite a lot of us in the area you're looking and since you don't need it immediately, maybe something will come up.

-- Sheryl in Me (, November 21, 2001.

There's a free mobile home in Uncle Henry's this week, how badly do you need it? Also:I have a friend living in one while building a new home, and if you can haul, she'll give it away cheap or possibly free, as she plans to burn it otherwise. It has two bedrooms, space for washer in hall, one bath, kithcen and dining room. Small, but livable.

-- Epona (, November 21, 2001.

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