A Les Nesman Thanksgiving...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

CBC radio ran a Thanksgiving piece last night (Canadians celebrated Thanksgiving last month -- one can only wonder why a Canadian radio station was running this, but...c'est la vie!)

Anyhow -- the announcer finished the piece by running an audio clip from the classic "Thanksgiving" episode of WKRP in Cincinatti -- DH and I were, once again, rolling on the floor. I remember when this was originally aired -- and people spoke about it for months. I don't think it's gotten any less funny.

I think that that one episode justified syndication!

-- Tracy (trimmer31@hotmail.com), November 20, 2001


I had almost forgotten it. Les "As God is my Witness, I thought turkeys could fly" Nesman.

-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), November 20, 2001.

"They're dropping like stones!"

Gee, it was hilarious and appalling, all at the same time. That was a good series.

-- Joy F [in So. Wisconsin] (CatFlunky@excite.com), November 20, 2001.

I do not remember the follow up but there was another show later where a D.J. stated that he would throw live turkeys out of an airplane; there was an uproar, court threats, PETA involvement,ect. Well the D.J. did throw live turkeys out of an airplane's cockpit..... while it was sitting on the runway!!

-- mitch hearn (moopups@citlink.net), November 20, 2001.

"Oh... the humanity..."

-- Gary in Indiana (gk6854@aol.com), November 21, 2001.

I remember that episode. It was really funny what with the thought of turkeys falling like bombs on the crowd below.

We were keeping turkeys at the time and I can tell you that ours could certainly fly when the mood was upon them.


-- Live Oak (live-oak@atlantic.net), November 21, 2001.

I loved that show too...that was also my favorite episode. Always loved the was Les messed up the pronounciation of names too.....We always call Chihuahuas...Chi Huah Huahs since seeing that show.

-- Jenny (auntjenny6@aol.com), November 21, 2001.

Yeah, Jenny, and Chi Chi Rodrigues pronounced Chai Chai Rod-rih- gwezz. I still call those little dogs Chee-hooah-hooahs! LOL!

-- Joy F [in So. Wisconsin] (CatFlunky@excite.com), November 21, 2001.

Hey, Tracy, I heard it too! It was on As It Happens. They had just finished an interview with the Anaheim, Calif. scrapyard owner who decided to have a little bonus for his customers. He planned on filling his scrap yard with about 300 (I think) live turkeys, and if you grabbed one, you got to take it home. SPCA, or some other org. got wind of it, and put a stop to it. No joke!! I guess he ended up putting out a couple hundred of those little cardboard turkeys, with the crepe paper bellies that fluff (?) out, and if you found one, you got a certificate to pick up a turkey at the grocery store. Now he's getting rid of the several hundred LIVE turkeys. What a turkey! (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

-- Rheba (rhebabeall@hotmail.com), November 21, 2001.

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