Polaroid Lift and Transfer Tips

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread


I've just received my first box of Colour ER Polaroid 10x8" film. Ignoring the cost, I'd like to have a bash at the transfer and emulsion lift techniques.

I'd appreciate any tips.

Thanks in advance

David Nash

-- David Nash (nashcom@btinternet.com), November 21, 2001


Polaroid publishes two or more full-page size booklets on the subject. I believe they are free; they're very helful. Suggest you try Polaroid's web site or call them. If cost truly doesn't matter, then OK but you could practice on the nominal 4x5 size first. There is a certain amount of dexterity involved and 8x10 is trickier by nature.

-- John Hennessy (northbay@directcon.net), November 21, 2001.

Dear David

That was good advice about trying transfers first on 4x5 images. A couple hints. If you are doing transfers to paper, you want to use 'hot press' papers-I believe the name of the paper I use most often in Arches. Make certain you have soaked and moistened the paper. I only wait about 7 to 10 seconds to begin the transfer and I always use a roller to even the pressure placing the negative to the paper. Some suggest that you wait at least 5 minutes before you peel the negative off the paper and other recommend that you might consider peeling it off while immersed in water. I remember having a couple sites which talk about transfers, but unfortunately they are on my work computer-try searching on Google to see what sites you might find. Also, there are several good books published about Polaroid transfers.

They are neat images and I really enjoy doing them. Good luck on yours.


John Bailey

-- John Bailey (Mdwphoto@aol.com), November 21, 2001.

Take a look at this web site: http://www.kathleencarr.com/ Ms. Carr also has a book out on the subject that I think is quite good and is readily available (at least in the US).

-- Donald Brewster (dpbrewster@prodigy.net), November 27, 2001.

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