the answers to UPDATE on cat. : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Well here it is Thanksgiving and she died in the night. She didn't have any pain. She seemed to be doing better with very little movement in tail. The medicine was Prednisolone 5 mg and the injection was azum sq. I gave her that flea stuff you put on back of neck 2 weeks ago so I don't think that had anything to do with it to answer someones question. Well we'll have to bury her sometime today. it's my daughter cat and first time anything died on her. Well enough of that. On a upper note I she didn't suffer any... HAPPY THANKSGIVING... THANKS MAUREEN

-- maureen (, November 22, 2001


Man! I'm really sorry to hear that! maybe she died on Thanksgiving to show you you can be thankful for having her in your life. tj

-- teejae (, November 22, 2001.

You have my sympathy and empathy. I've lost several cats to whom I was very attached, so I know how you feel!

-- Joy F [in So. Wisconsin] (, November 22, 2001.

I am so sorry about you cat, Maureen. I know cats get a bad rap from lots of they're too independent, can't teach them anything or wont answer to a name, etc. I have 10 housecats and they all know their names! Last year I had a favorite cat die on New Year's Day. This cat had been a feral cat that I managed to tame down and make a pet out of. He'd only answer to me. At night he would come up on the bed after the lights were off, walk across me then lie beside me with his nose against my chin. He'd sleep like that most of the night!! After he died, for several nights after that, I know I "felt" him walk across the bed and put his nose against my chin. I'm positive that he is still here with me in spirit!! And I know your daughter's cat will still keep her company. Sorry to have rambled on so :-)!

-- Marcia (, November 22, 2001.

So sorry to hear the news about your cat Maureen. I've lost a number of pets over the years and it's never easy. :(

-- Nancy in Maine (, November 22, 2001.

so Maureen, how did your day go? I bet you were sad werent you? How is your daughter doing? I have an idea you can do for her. This past september was one year that my dad died. Sept. 12th. We got a bunch of baloons and took it to his grave and wrote messages to my dad on the baloons and then let the baloons go. Since it was the day after the WTC tragedy we got red, white and blue baloons. But you could get any color your daughter wants. It's something i learned from a victims survivor group i go to online. They also will on a day in december burn a candle outside at 8:00 to remember all the victims of murder. Your daughter could do this for her cat as a way of remembering her kitty. To me animals are like family so i don't know why you couldn't do these things for your pets too. =:^)~

-- teejae (, November 22, 2001.

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