Anyone seen the startlist yet? : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

Has anyone seen the startlist for the state champs meet yet? Is it posted somewhere? I sure hope that it will be posted by the 26th, after the deadline, if it isn't already out there.

-- Mook (, November 22, 2001


As far as I know the start list is not yet available. But, I do know we've had entries from Arizona, Colorado, St Louis and Minnesota.

I walked around the advanced course this afternoon. It was fun. The course will be fast. The winner will be someone who fights hard from start to finish.

-- Michael (, November 22, 2001.

As of Novemebr 25th: (N or Y refers to Champs eligibility; almost everyone is running the advanced course)

Bennett Daron Y Beverly Sandy Y Bohnen Julia N Brault Jeff N Brown Steve N Buckley Eric N Carlson Mike N Coziahr Dave N Douglas Joe Y Everett Mark Y Frei Steve N Harding Ian N Irvine Jerry Y Kane Allen N Lay Keith Y Menninger Fritz Y Neuburger Nancy Y Neuburger Dick Y O'Steen Tom Y Rothwell Howard Y Ruland Kevin Y Saggars Eric Y Skrien Orlyn N Wendt Eric Y

-- Mary (, November 25, 2001.

How come Orlyn isn't eligible?

-- J-J (, November 26, 2001.

Could it be because of his new address?

-- Swampfox (, November 26, 2001.

But Colorado is still... oh, wait, this isn't Heartland Champs, it's Kansas Champs... never mind.

-- J-J (, November 26, 2001.

The official criteria for being eligible to be a Kansas Champ are, "Must have lived in Kansas for any three month period of your life to be eligible for KS Champ title."

-- Michael (, November 26, 2001.

The registrations continue to roll in. Some of the latest additions include: Clatterbuck, Paul Y; Duffin, Bruce ?; Perius-Parker, Ann Y; Thewes, Richard Y; Wassom, Mark Y; While, Kathy (group)

-- Mary (, November 27, 2001.

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