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greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Asking this for my boss. It's a black LTM. Shutter speed dial has 1/5oo, 200, 100, 60, 40, 30, 20, 2. Has a serial number of 269 on the top plate. 50mm F2.5 Hector. It's been passed down relatives - definitely not a Russian Fake, though I suspect it's a conversion. He has a letter from Ernst Leitz dated 1980 stating that it was originally sold in 1925 as a Lieca 1. It is in excellent shape. Any idea what it's worth............

-- Bob Todrick (bobtodick@yahoo.com), November 23, 2001


Hi Bob,

I have seen the camera and it is indeed the real thing. It started out as a Leica I and was updated to Leica II spec. You could remove the lens and see if it has a standardized mount but most likely it does ( "O" stamped at 12 o'clock on the camera's lens mount). As to value, I do not know, not cheap comes to mind...

-- John Collier (jbcollier@powersurfr.com), November 23, 2001.

Hallo Bob,

what is the name of the lens on the camera?

Is it an ANASTIGMAT or an ELMAX lens? Should it be an A. then your boss is a real boss and the camera could be in the pricerange of the M3 prototype a bit futher down this site.

Best wishes

-- K. G. Wolf (k.g.wolf@web.de), November 23, 2001.

According to Lager, it probably started life with a 3.5 Elmax lens. It may have receved the Hektor when it was upgraded later. But records are sketchy and full of holes that early. #269 does correspond to year 1925, but Lager inplies that the Hektor was not offered until 1930(?). This may hint the approximate year it was upgraded. Many of these were upgraded. Hove lists a I with Elmax at $10,000 US, and a I with Hektor at $4,500 US - both Rarity 8. But yours looks to be an upgraded hybrid, so value is up in the air.

-- Ken Shipman (kennyshipman@aol.com), November 23, 2001.

When it was upgraded to II (D) spec, the original lens was probably replaced with the "new" high speed lens.

-- John Collier (jbcollier@powersurfr.com), November 23, 2001.

According to a publication of LEICA HISTORICA e. V, 2000, the genealogy of the early 50 mm lenses was as follows:

Anastigmat, year 1920- 1921, camera/ lens No. 100 to 279 Elmax, 1921- 1925, 280-1,300 (?) Elmar 3.5, 1926- 1962, 1,302- 1,827,xxx Elmar 2.8, 1956- 1966, 1,40x,xxx- 2,47x,xxx Hektor, 1930- 1937, 37,xxx- 345,xxx Summar, 1930-1939, 167,001- 49x,xxx

I presumed, the camera was in itīs original shape. Didnīt read properly- it was late last night.

Bad luck for the current owner

Best wishes

-- K. G. Wolf (k.g.wolf@web.de), November 24, 2001.

Sounds like a great item to bring to the "Antique Roadshow"!

-- Andrew Schank (aschank@flash.net), November 24, 2001.

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